• shubham@exprestory.com
Pocket Stories
The “X” Chromosome

The “X” Chromosome

Singapore! My dream holiday destination!  Sun had set in splendour and I was soaking in exhilaration.

Next Day:

“Two X Chromosomes” ; the nurse exclaimed; her face taut and pale. “Get ready and we will get over this in a few minutes.”

Fear and trepidation set in; I was beguiled into a babymoon. Numerous feckless attempts to reason out and get over the parochial attitude but it fell on deaf ears. A girl baby was threatening his posterity; “superior sex” could have only carried forward the lineage.

Aghast for a few paralyzed seconds, I, now,  knew that it was time to leave the sacrosanct union and stand for the good.

Gingerly, I touched my protruding belly, promised her a life full of love and happiness and trudged out of the room, leaving behind murk and the darkness.

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