• shubham@exprestory.com

The Identity Crisis!

I am an independent woman

I pay my own bills

I cook my own food

I single- handedly fulfill my child’s needs


Round the clock

I clean the house

Wash everyone dirty clothes and dishes

Cook each person’s favorite dishes


I, secretly, wipe off my tears

Apply some make up

Fix my disheveled hair

Put on dark glasses

Hide my mental and emotional scars

Behind the silly grin and

The vibrant, floral scarf


 As a disguise

When you let out your anger and frustration on me,

When you make me feel that

I am a misfit in your life and

I am an uncouth woman

who does not know how to be a master chef and

A devoted mother and

Fail at being a caring and doting wife.


I compromise yet again

For I have been taught that

In every relationship, there is a trade off

And I being a woman

The “meek” and the forbearing partner in the

So called nuptial bliss

Decide that I will not walk out on you

For I am scared

If I am not enough for myself

If I do need a “support”

If my child will blame me for “breaking” the family

If I am afraid of the social stigma

If I am looked at by everyone with disdain


If I would not get sleep without the routine bruises!

For I am used to it

Since I have got married

Since I have accepted all the mental, physical and emotional wounds

With the silent screams!


Do I still believe in the “sacred marriage vows”?

Do I still have a glimmer of hope?


I just want to hide myself

Behind the facade of a “happy marriage”

As I have made to feel

By everyone around me that

Marriage is eternal and

Is meant to last forever!!


Shall I take charge of my life

My aspirations, my dreams

and above all

My respect and my integrity!

Shall I take the tiny step

and raise my voice

For I am not the “meek” partner

or the “weak” partner

But I am the Other Half

Equally Important

in the “Equal Partnership Marriage”!

I try

It is not easy

For I am used to this subjugation

since years

since ages

But now

I will not let go off my sanity

I will speak


I will stand for myself!

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