• shubham@exprestory.com

Finding Inspiration: My Son’s Dedication and Personal Growth

My 8-year-old is an ardent Ronaldo fan. As soon as he gets home from school, he eagerly watches anything related to Ronaldo on TV. His admiration for Ronaldo is so strong that he mimics his facial expressions and style. Inspired by his idol, he’s even given up his favorite snacks, like cookies, in his quest to emulate Ronaldo. Not only is he carefully monitoring his diet to stay healthier, but he’s also practicing football on his own, in addition to his weekly training sessions.
I’m incredibly proud of his dedication and the positive changes he’s making.

This or that, depends!

Whilst in the morning, when my 6-year-old son was refraining to eat on his own, I sternly told him- “Ayaansh you are big boy and you should be independently doing your work. “
Baffled, he stared at me and then followed his trials to finish his breakfast! “The Big Boy” trick did work.

Leadership through Life Lessons-I

Leadership is not a position or a title, it is action and example.” – Donald McGannon My 3-year-old son loves solving puzzles. Graduating from 6-10 piece to 60-piece puzzle was a big milestone for us. We were trying to make him sail through this by solving it together as a team. 4-5 days passed and he worked with everyone in […]